Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Of Music and Loneliness

Whenever I'm alone and listening to music, I can't help but be sentimental. To the point that I can easily relate my own experiences to each and every song being played. I remember a time during my college days, I'm in my room, listening over the radio where the DJ was giving love advices and playing a song specifically intended for the caller or the letter sender. The song that he played was Somewhere Down the Road (yeah, corny na!), I was so touched by the song that it made me reminisce on my personal experiences about love. I got so carried away that it even brought me to tears. Super emote lang. Heehee. I didn't realize that my sister is already in my room and when she saw me crying, she worriedly asked me what's wrong. Of course, I didn't admit that it's because of the song, dyahe! I lied and just said that my tummy is aching. Hahahah!

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